Monday, March 23, 2009


I have been dealing with WCB of Alberta for over 15 years now, the last couple years I have taken WCB to Appeals over overpayments, requesting audits due to overpayments and payments not sent out to me that I was entitled too, the amount involved here was over $ 25,000.00. Through their manipulation of files they had taken me to court for fraud all this was 3 years after I started with the audit to be done, which had been in front of that Appeals commission 3 separate times, the last time the Appeals Commission said that they would only look and see if the Audit was done correctly, not to review information about overpayments or monies owed to claimant. There is much more to this story pertaining to actions of WCB employees with threats and intimidation. To make a long story shorter the WCB of Alberta set me up with a deemed position for which I was to $32,000.00 a year as a sales clerk, in which I was to receive approx. $814.00 per month on my claim, however they were keeping this money due to over payment for $32,000.00 which they were not entitled to remove from me as they already had that money from not giving it to me 4 years before, with no income in our household to pay bills, we were forced to go to social assistance, after about 8 months of assistance I received a phone call informing me that I had not claimed the $814.00 monthly to the social worker and was therefore cut off and file sent to a collection agency. I have just received my T-5 for the year of 2008 from WCB of Alberta, it states that my income from them for the year is $943.11, yet they call social services and inform them that I am making $814.00 per month, causing my family to live below the poverty line and yet they still continue to make discussions on my claim without informing me of these decisions

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Letter for help to United Nations

To whom it Concern:

After reading the criteria for communication acceptance, I am not sure I would have any assistance in this matter; however I will state my story and pray.

As an injured worker I and many others have been subject of fraud, corruption and violated of my human and chartered rights by my country. The main source of the problem is due to a quazi-judicial system employs non-professional persons as legal decision makers, along with their positions, they and their organization (including all employees) are protected from true legal action.

Their actions here in my country have and do create poverty, restrict health care, and make criminals of innocent people that attempt to better themselves. How this happens is when an injured person attempts to take control of their own life, files are manipulated by rewording, false statements and even as far as holding back monies and preventing that person from collecting assistance from other Government services in order to feed and house their families:

Sample of situation; a man’s benefits are 100% withheld due to monies claimed to be owed to this organization, he then goes to Social Services of his Province for assistance for his family. The organization then contacts the Social Services department, advising them of monies being received by him from their organization. The man is then faced with fraud investigation, however the amount that the organization claims to be paying him is still less then what it costs to live. Come taxation time when taxes are due, the official statement from this organization to the revenue service of my country is +/- 10% of the amount that they claimed was being paid when they contacted the Social Services.

The money that this organization claimed that this man owes is due to their fraud investigation, which was started after the man requested a financial review of his benefits. The financial review was requested due to misleading document information and monies that were redirected by the organization. All this information has been placed in the hands of those politically in charge (over the course of 10 years), to this day there has been no investigation, no comments or any interest in doing so. The Provincial Government of who is to be in charge of this organization claimed their hands were tied due to political legislation, so the next step was to approach our Federal Government as their stance on this behavior is world famous via the United Nations, only to be redirected to another agency or back to the Provincial level. Even the human rights community is aware of what is happening here, yet nothing is done.

The corruption in this organization is at a world class level, is world wide associated and yet promotes itself as individual and independent to each province or state.

The man mentioned here is just one of thousands in Canada that is receiving the same or similar treatment by the Workers Compensation Boards, with no intervention by the Government that is there to protect them; in fact the Government allows this to happen by increasing the powers of the WCB and removing rights of the injured worker.

Thank you for reading this letter

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Hello fellow injured workers:

I have been dealing with Alberta WCB for many years, more years then I spent in my electrical apprenticeship, almost as long now as time in the trade itself. I have been through lots due to WCB, especially when the department of Children’s Services stated that I am fighting WCB, therefore I am abusing and neglecting my children. Since September 2008 WCB has prevented me from assistance from Family Services due to their withholding of 100% OF MY BENEFITS. I have been seeing a high ranking Psychologist in my province to assist me in dealing with the mental anguish that I have been and am still going through thanks to the quazi-judicial system that they use for their protection. Since I have not received any assistance from my provincial Government, I then went to our Federal Government for assistance, again no help just runaround to different areas and/ or referrals back to my Provincial MLA and Ministers. Here is what I have come up with, as our Federal Government prides themselves in Human rights and anti-corruption on the world’s stage, yet do nothing with-in their own country.

Send letters of corruption, fraud and human rights violations to the United Nations, here is a link to the U.N anti-corruption tool which will explain it better; as I read this it showed to me on how much is wrong with the WCB’s across Canada and how our Government allows this to happen is against all that they claim to work towards, especially on an international basis. The Only way is to let U.N know how all the injured workers in Canada are being treated, and then maybe our Politicians will stand up for the people that they are to represent.
this link is a must read

Sincerely fellow injured worker

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Steven Harper you listening to Canadians or just making false claims?

Mr.Harper has included in his budget funds for the unemployed as they don't go into poverty. What help is there for the injured workers of Canada that are forced to live in poverty for many years now. The Workers Compensation Boards in Canada (which is Federally legislated that all Provinces must have) are no less then legal racketeering corporations that are protected by our Government, no court action may be taken against them, as they are their own entity, unqualified person's making legal decisions that go against common law, criminal law and the Canadian Charter of rights thus making criminals of innocent people.

Injured workers across Canada have the evidence of fraud, harassment, threats against person or property and just plain outright manipulation of information. I ask you Mr.Harper where is the help that these people, who literally broke their bodies to build this country, that truly need the assistance and intervention of a responsible Government. Where is the justice with this organization? Your new announcement on organized crime in Canada is a step forward, but what about so-called government arms length branches like Workers Compensation Boards in Canada that get away with this and more they have been given to many rights while the rights of injured workers is non-existent.

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