2003 audit of my claim also coincided with The Quality Assurance Group’s investigation into Alberta WCB, at which time I did not know about. I find it quite curious, especially pertaining to financial matter of my own concern that reflects directly to “possibly the validity of” this Report.
The Quality Assurance group completed a review of high dollar ELPs that
were established during 2003. Results indicated that there is room for
improvement in the entitlement decision of ELP cases.
High Dollar ELP’s? Would that be like when my T-5 for 2003 stated $ 44,000.00 income when my actual was approx $19,000.00.
WCB claims that all cheques issued to in my name are considered income. On the T5 taxation for the year 2003, states that I made over $44,000.00, which included computer, reimbursements, travel & meal allowance, loan/advance, school tuition and supplies, according to Revenue Canada only paid benefits were to be on T5 : repercussion of as of June 2004, caused my family to lose our GST rebate and lowered our child tax credits,: In May 2004, my WCB benefits were originally cut off , by end of May reinstated, which time my benefits were set at a deemed position as if I had passed my schooling and working in that profession.
Were claims altered to make them seem larger in order to keep premiums high and then lower the actual income for injured workers by disguising claimant income for that year?
From attending school the year before there were no additions (tuition, travel, expenses) on my T5, only paid benefits! 2004 T5 was the done up same as the T5 in 2002, except no school involved. 2006 T5 was done with benefits only also, which had training involved.
The WCB again made satisfactory progress in implementing this
recommendation as follows:
• WCB made a policy change to require a review of ELP entitlement and
rate setting after the first three years and then annual reviews
thereafter. This should allow management the opportunity to identify
and account for changes in worker entitlement and earnings over time.
• New ELPs require supervisor and manager review and approval.
• Claims staff and management have completed training and been
provided comprehensive tip-sheets, checklists and procedures
detailing the adjudication processes that need to be completed prior to
implementing an ELP award.
• Monthly reports providing detailed ELP information are distributed to
When we completed the follow up of this point in March 2005, the Quality
Assurance group was in the process of obtaining management responses to
the findings for 2004.
To implement this recommendation, WCB’s Quality Assurance group must
finalize its review of the 2004 entitlement decisions and management must
demonstrate that changes made to the control environment have been
Yes changes were effective, as my benefits were cut at that time, cut right off, then reinstated at a lower rate of benefit. I remember my claims manager mentioning this to me, as due to the delay of my benefits being processed, same time as they lowered benefits (re-calculating?).
Makes one wonder as to what kind of training, tip-sheets, check lists and procedures detailed for the process of determining the implementation of the ELP award.
For the Quality Assurance Group I am not sure if this was internal or external, however a point of interest, the only financial business I found pertaining to that name, belongs to a division of the World Bank.(It was not them )
The “padding” my benefits would *benefit WCB down the road, even better considering all the “overpayments” they have collected off me, not even mentioning the “Fraud charges” for which they are collecting almost 3 times the stated amount in court documents. Charging me did 3 things, damaged my credibility to pursue the financial truth that I started prior by requesting an audit on my claim, criminal record and poverty. All from a T-5 that was purposely created, but then again in 2008, WCB claimed I made $816.00 monthly for income to a Government Financial Assistance agency, when my T-5 states $943.11 for the same year; and again a Fraud investigation against me.
*Implications and risks
If the ELP classifications and calculations are not accurate, the WCB may
pay inaccurate benefits to injured workers and charge incorrect costs to
Is this the reason that my rate calculations are all different but mysteriously calculated by their payment specialists to same amount?
More confusion like the financial reports that have the payments scattered around so bad that it takes a week to separate and put into proper order?
The WCB’s 2003–2004 strategic plan describes four strategic themes to guide
the organization:
• Commitment to fairness
• Focus on return to work
• Leveraging prevention
• Financial stability
Who does this apply too?
This is only part of the report I find pertaining to my case only, with possibly more information yet to be discovered.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business , Alberta District, tried to abolish the tribunal ( appeals) system at the WCB, due to cost. Tribunal alone $45 million and premiums increased 77% on average. http://www.cfib.ca/legis/alberta/pdf/5179.pdf
Same time frame when all this was happening!
Making our employers aware of what they/ we are getting for which they pay for?
Over a Billion Alberta WCB, in their pockets right now!
Go to the site and see if it pertains to yours!
I brought this to the attention of the Auditor General office and was informed that they do not get involved with individual claims of the WCB, I requested to have an investigation by the A.G.O and the only reply I received back is
A person who's life has been turned around due to an instant situation that became life altering,causing me to learn a new way of life and learning how deal with the sudden changes, created by a Government legislated criminal organization, that is presently out of my control.
"W.C.B is not a level playing field, it is not fair, and it offends the basic principles of natural justice."
- Justice Maclean - Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta