Government, WCB and computer Viruses
Though the WCB is legislated by Government, that is all the control our Government has over the WCB. With judicial powers,total authority over the injured worker they are continuously over riding the injured workers Doctors, by using their paid physicians, of whom never see the patient, stating medical reports of the person's injury and turning it into fact. Injured workers that request treatment for injuries have been forced to wait months or even years in some cases to get a M.R.I, cat scan or surgery; during these waiting periods the injured worker is healing and by the time that they are able to get help it is to late in some cases as scar tissue has formed an the surgeon is unable to correct it.
At that point the WCB claims that nothing can be done and the injured worker is then "deemed"(made-up)to an employment that they are incapable to succeed at or is directly opposing of their injury, and then the workers benefits are set at that fictitious employment with gradual decreases in wages, until the worker is no-longer collecting benefits ; yet is still unable to gain employment due to injury; I myself was an electrician and WCB Alberta forced me into academics for Electrical Engineering, but would not give me the upgrading to succeed in this course, a letter was written on my behalf by the program head stating I am in need of upgrading in order to succeed in the course; I was then removed from academics but the WCB still "deemed" me as an Electrical Engineer and the wage that an E.E would make was deducted from my benefits, which lowered my benefits to approximately $140.00 per month while still (to my knowledge) charging my employer the full rate of compensation.I was forced to take them to appeals at which time they would again "deem" me at employment that matched the income of an E.E and I would have to appeal that decision again and again.
Now is this the workings of an honest business ? That is part of every working person's life, whether you are injured or not, your employer is forced to make payments for you for every 100 hours you put in, it stays in the back ground like a computer virus until it gets involved and ends up screwing up your life just like it would your computer, slowly the longer it is there the more damage it does until you have lost everything and there is no getting it back cause you have no protection that would avoid the outcome.
( and yes I have had my hard drive wiped out after receiving emails from my WCB supervisor's, 3 separate times)
Labels: Alberta, claims, education, Government, judicial, law, manipulation, organization, payments, poverty, sellout, Stelmach, wcb