Friday, February 5, 2010

Letter to Mr.Mah ; Legal Representative to the WCB of Alberta

I would like to address a few issue's with you pertaining to criminal activities of the Alberta Workers Compensation Board, from fraud, blackmail and extortion to United Nations Human Rights Violations,
as well as the conduct of some WCB employee's.

What right does a WCB representative have to threaten Members of the Appeals Commission with court action against them if they follow through with a hearing pertaining to false financial reports and the practice of manipulating various types of information.

What give the Workers Compensation Board the right to choose an employment for a Disabled Person that they have no desire to participate in or have a suitable personality for that forced occupation, which in turn is a conflict of interest of the United Nations Declaration of Rights concerning the Slavery clause as being forced into an occupation and the wages for such employment are forced upon the Disabled Person, for the reason of reducing benefits and forcing those people into poverty.

What gives a WCB employee who is not medically trained, the power to over ride a Physicians instructions on medical care and rehabilitation, while forcing that person into more physical injury and unnecessary pain.

WCB employees forcing person's into academics that they are unqualified for,refusing to provide them with the academics that they need to succeed, while stipulating rules of pass, fail or drop out the WCB is done with them.

Why should these already disabled people, be subjected to Physiological terrorism by the employees of the Workers Compensation Board and its affiliate businesses, by accusing the disabled person as being a malingerer or non-compliant due to their pain threshold is at the limit and yet are forced to continue by those who are for the most part unqualified for their positions.

WCB's contact with the department of Family Services to have a family denied assistance due to the Deeming of Employment and Manipulation of Information and having that same family into the courts fighting for their children due to the corrupt actions of the Alberta Workers Compensation Board.

Extortion of monies from the disabled person's and the rise in premiums to the employer's, (I speak of the 2003 Auditor Generals report specifically and to the T-5's issued for that year)

Medical malpractice by employees and Doctors of the Alberta Workers Compensation Board, by not fully diagnosing the patients or Staff's claimed Medical knowledge from reading medical reports, to the abusive and inhumane treatment of person's at the WCB sponsored rehabilitation Centers.

For a non-profit organization you have accumulated a lot of Finances, Property and an extreme amount of high paid staff all at the cost of disabled people and the employers that are forced to be subject to the criminal and inhumane practices of a money laundering business.


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