Monday, March 7, 2011

Why is only One Ministry in Charge?

Any of you that follow this blog will know that this is about the Alberta Workers Compensation Board, who is the Insurer of Employees in protecting the interests of Employers.

Now the WCB is responsible for those who are Disabled/Injured by Occupation ( aka Injured Workers), the WCB controls our Medical, Financial, Re-training if needed and any other aspect of returning the Worker back into the roll of being a contributor to society.

The Ministry of Labour is supposedly responsible for the WCB , via Legislation, However the Minister can only Legislate to the WCB and not held accountable for the day to day practices of the WCB, which include: manipulation of Financial Information, manipulation of Medical Information along with manipulation of Personal Information.

The Auditor General's Office has no control over the WCB's Audits , except for the yearly, nor will they investigate any possible Fraud when the evidence is put forth in front of them, the Minister of Health cannot investigate any wrong doing by the WCB when it comes down to Medical issues, nor will the Freedom of Information investigate any wrong doing when it has been shown that Personal Information has been altered.

These are are Ministries that should be involved in the WCB as the WCB covers various areas, but some reason it is only kept in the hands of the Ministry of Labour, that is unable to actually do anything about the accusations and concerns from Albertan's, which are criminal in nature. We have Hansard's where situations  are addressed, Judicial & Ministerial Reviews are done without an outcome or resolutions, nor are the suggestions/recommendations by those considered  , the Judicial cannot get involved due to Judicial Immunity, although many have tried. A large majority of Disabled by Occupation have spent Thousands of Dollars to Lawyers only to find out a few months & a few Lawyers later , that their money to seek Justice and to get what is rightfully theirs was wasted. The WCB has all the protection in the World and free reign to do what ever they wish , to whom every they wish: you write or say something they do not like they will bring the Law down upon you.

As being an Administrator for a National Disabled/Injured Workers web site, we have had many people that are suicidal and we try to find them the help they need, sometimes it is Law Enforcement that we call  to protect the person from themselves, other are frustrated to the limit where they no longer care about the outcome of their actions as all they want to do is retaliate, we had a lady who wrote about a dream she had , it involved the WCB and Explosives, it had not been posted for more then 6 hours when we were notified that the posting had to be removed as it was considered to be a threat to the WCB, needless to say that particular lady turned out right after that to be another person that we had to call the Authorities on to prevent another suicide as she felt she was being not only deprived of her life by the WCB , but now deprived of her emotions and subconscious dreams that she has no control over.

I bring this up due to her actions , the actions of the WCB and a recording of a past Alberta MLA, who is now a Federal Member of Parliament, who Advises a WCB Claimant that Blowing up the Alberta WCB is a good Idea, yet nothing is said or done about this, the Media, Leaders of the Opposition or RCMP seem to care about that , but when it is a Claimant or any other person raising their voice , without making type of a threat, they are subject to ridicule, banned from WCB property and subject to claim reviews that more often then not have them denied benefits and cut off all Medical & Financial assistance including prescription drugs, while labeling the person as a drug addict when they are need of their prescription that they cannot afford, which leads many to drastic measures.

Why is there only One Ministry in Charge when so many Ministries are actually Involved , from Health to Justice, from Finance to Family Services.

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